
Ministerial Conference
On The Canadian

1. Preamble

The actions of the provincial and territorial governments and their cooperation with the federal government have a direct and significant impact on the quality of life of Francophone citizens. Since 1994, the two orders of government have been meeting to share information and best practices with respect to providing services in French and supporting Francophone communities. In 2002, a Declaration of Principles affirmed the willingness of the governments to continue and enhance this cooperation.

In 2004, to increase the scope and effectiveness of their actions, the provincial and territorial governments, together with the Government of Canada, agreed to increase their level of cooperation and redefine the mandate of the Ministers’ Council.


  • The members of the Conference subscribe to the principle of linguistic duality, promote it as a fundamental Canadian value, and recognize the crucial importance of the Francophone contribution to the Canadian economic, cultural, political, and social fabric.
  • The members of the Conference wish to promote the further usage and greater visibility of the French culture and language throughout Canada.
  • The members of the Conference wish to strengthen intergovernmental cooperation on Francophonie issues for the benefit of Francophone communities and all Canadians.
  • The members of the Conference wish to encourage the implementation of active offer and increase the delivery of government services in French by the provincial, territorial, and federal administrations.
  • The members of the Conference wish to contribute actively to the development of Francophone communities so that French-speaking citizens may live in French and achieve their full potential both individually and collectively anywhere in Canada.
  • The members of the Conference recognize the sharing of responsibilities between the two orders of government, the autonomy of the governments, and the existence of differences between the administrations when it comes to respecting priorities and the choices made by each government.

2. Mandate

The parties hereto agree as follows:

To establish a Ministers’ Council on the Canadian Francophonie, which includes a provincial-territorial meeting and a federal-provincial-territorial meeting, to attain the following objectives:



General Elements

  • Promote effective intergovernmental cooperation.
  • Discuss intergovernmental questions involving the Canadian Francophonie and maintain a dialogue that fosters the development of public policies that strengthen Canada’s linguistic duality.
  • Take a concerted approach with respect to priority matters that affect the stability and the development of the Canadian Francophonie.
  • Develop and adopt shared positions and strategic directions.
  • Exchange viewpoints, knowledge, and experience.
  • Develop research, analysis, and policy tools that allow the Ministers to fully assume their individual and collective role as catalysts in order to ensure the growth of the Canadian Francophonie.
  • Encourage the implementation of active offer and increased government services in French.
  • Plan, implement, and evaluate joint initiatives to increase the level of services offered in French, give greater visibility to the French language and culture, and ensure the enduring presence of the French culture and language in Canada.

Specific Elements

  • In addition to the above, during provincial-territorial meetings, the Conference will act as spokesperson with the federal government regarding Canadian Francophonie issues.
  • During federal-provincial-territorial meetings, the Conference will strive to create a synergy between the actions of the provincial and territorial governments and those of the federal government and to foster an equal partnership between them.
  • During federal-provincial-territorial meetings, the Conference will constitute a gateway for the provinces and territories with respect to federal departments and agencies and allow the federal government to consult the provinces and territories on the formulation of federal policy concerning the Canadian Francophonie. The Conference shall also provide a forum through which the provinces and territories are able to make the federal government aware of the challenges and issues related to the Francophonie within their areas of responsibility.