The 11th Ministerial Conference on the Canadian Francophonie is the first to operate with co-chairs. At the Conference, a report entitled Canadian Francophonie: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions was tabled. Both the report and its recommendations were adopted.
The federal government joined the Ministerial Task Force, confirming its commitment to contributing to the development of French language use in Canada. Youth and Immigration ranked first among the Conference’s priorities. A task force responsible for follow-up is created.
The 2006-2009 Strategic Plan was adopted, as was a Conference coordination model, and implemented April 1st, 2007. This model was intended to improve coordination, namely to create a new coordinator position and an administrative position. It was proposed that members continue to share their ideas regarding this model, to ensure coordination stability.
The Government of Ontario delivered a presentation on its language planning policy, which was intented to increase French-language use while reinforcing the foundation of identity building.
It was suggested that this issue be included among the Conference’s activities, and that the Conference write to the Canadian Council of Education Ministers to express support for their literacy efforts among French-speakers.
The Ministers also agreed that the Conference would write to the Franco-Manitoban Association and to the “La Liberté” newspaper, to express their support for Saint-Boniface’s 100th anniversary.