During the 12th Ministerial Conference on the Canadian Francophonie, the ministers adopted a general framework put forward by provincial and territorial ministers. This framework sets uniform terms and conditions for negotiating and managing French-language service agreements. A federal-provincial and territorial task force was created to implement the framework.
A report entitled Canadian Francophonie: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions was discussed at length. It remains the reference tool when it somes to identifying the Conference’s priorities. For this reason, the members of the Conference confirmed the importance of fully implementing the report . The FPT Ministerial Task Force has the mandate to ensure follow-up on the report, review the implementation of its recommendations and update members of the Conference on a yearly basis.
Based on the recommendations presented in Canadian Francophonie: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions, the Conference’s main priority was the creation of a Youth Intervention Strategy. The strategy designed at the Conference focuses on citizen participation among youth in encouraging government involvement in the Conference to foster youth participation, to encourage citizen participation among stakeholders active among French-speaking youth and to support leadership development in Canada’s French-speaking youth.
The Federal Official Languages Strategy was identified as a priority for the federal government. As the Official Languages Action Plan was to end March 31, 2008, ministers discussed their ongoing consultation with French-speaking communities.
Impressed by the quality of the Grand-Pré Historical Site, Ministers recommended Conference support to Grand-Pré’s submission for inclusion as a UNESCO World Heritage site.