Bilingualism Can Save Lives

Government Communications in Both Official Languages During Emergencies and Crises

Welcome to this online course on the importance of bilingual communications during an emergency or a crisis. Its goal is also to provide information regarding the various functions of public communications during such times.

This online course was developed as a joint initiative between the Ministers’ Council on the Canadian Francophonie and the Information-Communication program of Université de Moncton.

The importance of bilingual communications in times of crisis

The health crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a phenomenal amount of communication between governments and their populations. Beyond the obligations associated with the various linguistic frameworks in effect in Canadian provinces and territories, all governments have taken measures to reach both official language communities.

In order to support the continuity of these efforts and to reiterate the importance of bilingual communication in times of crisis, the Ministers’ Council on the Canadian Francophonie (MCCF) has produced the following video.